Category: General History Webinar: The Life and Times of President Martin Van Buren (1792-1862)

History Webinar: The Life and Times of President Martin Van Buren (1792-1862)

September 12, 2022

One American president hails from Columbia County. While more obscure than many of our early presidents, as a member of the second generation of American politicians, President Van Buren inherited the challenges of interpreting the U.S. Constitution during the antebellum period and was central to the creation of our party system and to the crucial issues of his time, including American slavery. Park Ranger Dawn Olson of the Martin Van Buren National Historic Park will introduce us to this relatively obscure president.
Dawn Olson has been hanging her park ranger hat at national parks, including Roosevelt Vanderbilt National Historic Site and Martin Van Buren National Historic Site, since May 1997. A summer job in Kinderhook led to a career of 25 years. Her favorite part is meeting visitors from around the United States and occasionally other countries.
This Zoom program is sponsored by the Columbia County Libraries Association. Please email to register.

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